Samsung Galaxy S III leaked?


Samsung’s next smartphone in its very popular Galaxy S line has apparently been leaked onto the net.

And not by some obscure blog snaring pictures from an unknown source this time, but by the company itself.
Samsung has produced a press video for this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, showing off the best of what it had on offer in Las Vegas last week.
And popping up during that clip, being used as a remote control for a Samsung camera – the device appears at around the 7 minute 10 seconds mark, take a look here – is a handset which could be the Galaxy S III.
Obviously that hasn’t been confirmed by the company, but it’s a very slick mystery smartphone which certainly looks the part. The phone is very thin, and is practically all display, with a large size screen and a tiny bezel giving an overall very slick appearance. It’s very much how we’d expect the S III to look, anyway.
The Galaxy S III is slated to be unveiled at next month’s Mobile World Congress. Its specs are purportedly very high end, with a 1.8GHz (possibly 2GHz) quad-core processor for starters. We’re also likely looking at a very large high-resolution display, possibly with 3D – we’re not sure that Samsung would bother with that though. 3D phones haven’t exactly done particularly well since HTC and LG pushed out theirs.
The handset featured in the video could be a mock up or Photoshop job, of course, and mean absolutely nothing. But it certainly looks the next-gen part. We’ll find out about the S III soon enough, only a month to wait now.