White House review finds no evidence of Huawei spying


Chinese vendor not surprised at lack of proof it carried out espionage.

A White House-ordered security review found no clear evidence that Huawei Technologies Ltd. had spied for China, Reuters news agency reported Wednesday, citing two unnamed people familiar with the review.

However, those leading the 18-month review–a look at security risks posed by suppliers to U.S. telecommunications companies–concluded early this year that relying on Huawei was risky for other reasons, the report said.

These reasons included the presence of vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit, Reuters said.

White House National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden declined to comment on the review, and a spokesman for Huawei said the company wasn’t familiar with the review but wasn’t surprised that no evidence of Huawei espionage was found, the report said.