Dial Telecom has received a high rating in the assessment of company stability


Czech Company Dial Telecom has received a high rating of 3A 1 in the assessment of company stability by Dun & Bradstreet The new generation of Dun & Bradstreet analysis sets up a range of their own risk indicators and assesses trading risks. Just 6% of Czech companies have a lower risk of failure than Dial Telecom.

Dial Telecom a.s., one of the leading Czech providers of data and voice services has received a high rating of 3A 1 in the method set up by Dun & Bradstreet, which is a global provider of economic information assessing various risks of companies as well as countries. The risk indicator of Dial Telecom, for example for doing business with it, is 1 in this case – i.e. „a minimum risk of failure“. At the same time, Dial Telecom has been given access to assessments of its current and also potential business partners worldwide.

The Dun & Bradstreet certification has assessed the Czech telecommunication operator Dial Telecom on the basis of a number of economic and other indicators as a company in excellent financial condition, with a low risk of failure in partner relationships and with trouble-free trading. Just 6 % of Czech companies have a lower risk of failure.

Monitoring the financial health of its partners
Dial Telecom with its registered number D-U-N-S® 49-505-6938 has become a member in a project, in which it automatically receives notifications of changes to the financial health of its current clients worldwide as well as information about the stability of future partners. It enables Dial Telecom to better manage its financial and investment risks.

It offers significant support to both the sales and financial departments in the company. Using the compilations of historic data and by monitoring the financial health of its clients, the departments can better assess the business potential of their partners and foresee the impact of their investments.

New generation of analyzing the health of companies
Besides standard growth indicators (cash flow, liquidity, balance sheet figures), other key financial indicators are also short term receivables or liabilities turnover ratio, profitability, ROI/ROE/ROA, ratio indicators, experience analysis (payments within due date, etc.) and many others.

The new generation of Dun & Bradstreet analysis provides information about subjects from over 240 countries, referring to risks, suppliers, management and realization of target marketing, CRM, revenues and integration of figures. The certification in the Czech Republic is made by Bisnode Česká republika a.s.

For more information go to http://www.dialtelecom.cz