Why Should You Automate UC Provisioning?


Collaboration apps are commonly used throughout businesses of all sizes which seek to help them increase the experience of end-users. The use of these apps in particular has been a great source of help and support over the last two years, as more and more people look to work form home. Whilst this may be good news for the employees of a company, there is little doubt that for business, it is putting extra stress and strain on the teams which are operating the UC. We already know that small IT teams are often responsible for taking care of a massive enterprise, which is why automation could be the perfect solution for your company’s unified communications.

Efficient Management

Automated unified communications does’t mean the replacement of members of your IT squad, but rather improves the way in which they are able to take care of the workforce. Through simplified processes your IT team and its engineers can pay attention to newer projects rather than daily help request tickets which so often cause a backlog of work. Through the use of a single layer of infrastructure all of this can be simply managed.

Single Entry

Within a business, be it of 1,000 employees or 10,000, tasks such as data entry can take up a huge amount of time, and in most cases it is completely unnecessary. This is because we have so many options with regards to automating our systems, which will involve entering an employee’s details one time only, for multiple applications. This may sound simplistic but it saves hours and hours of time in the business.

Migration Work

Migrating systems can be time consuming and expensive, if a businesses chooses do do things manually of course. Utilizing an automated system however will make migration easy and free from headaches, enabling your IT team to focus on the bigger picture rather than getting caught up in the minutiae of systems, servers and software.

Removal of Inconsistencies

Data entry which is loaded with inconsistencies, a very real risk given the nature of human error, can cost the business critical time, especially when we look at larger enterprises. Once again the single entry nature of an automated system plus the ease with which that info is then fixed across multiple applications, is exactly why this is worth the investment.

All told what we are looking at here is automation which is going to give your IT teams the chance to focus on what is really important in the business. Through the saving of their time in wasteful exercises they will be able to instead focus on impactful tasks which help to streamline and organize the business. In terms of what the benefits of automating UC really are, they are the two most critical components of any business: time and money. This is a spend which more businesses should be looking to make, in order to deliver a more productive operation and a more profitable workforce.