Key reasons to attend SMi’s 3rd annual Distribution Automation Europe conference


Only 4 weeks to register for Distribution Automation Europe conference – Register using voucher code SMI4D3J and save £300. Special rate for utility companies only £399

SMi presents the 3rd annual Distribution Automation Europe conference. This event will set out how to accommodate the impact of renewables growth and improve communication system architecture to increase the reliability and efficiency of future networks. The conference is packed with practical case-study presentations including Vattenfall’s Smart Grid Gotland project, the Electricity North West Capacity to Customer (C2C) LCNF initiative, and Western Power Distribution’s Falcon project.

Combined with a distinguished international speaker line up (USA, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Portugal) this event will give you a clear understanding of how to derive maximum value from your distribution automation investments to make grids more efficient, reliable, and secure and to reduce carbon emissions.

Key topics:

  • Enhancing the visibility of distributed renewable generation to determine total network energy
  • How to use strategic fault level management to improve system protection design
  • How supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are evolving to support the demands of distribution automation
  • How to improve communication system architecture to make it fit for purpose for distribution automation
  • Reducing maintenance costs and extending equipment life with condition-based monitoring
  • Combining network automation and interruptible service to increase capacity
  • Using data analytics to identify network problems and signal veracity from real-time information

Key reasons to attend:

•The event format enables you to network face to face with your industry colleagues, more than 5 hours of networking opportunities.

•Hear from senior key decision leaders as Johan Söderbom, Vattenfall; Jean Baptiste Galland, ERDF; Stefan Rebner, Fortrum Distribution; Uwe Fisher, E.ON Group among others.

•The mix of over 10 different DNOs/DSOs speaking is unmatched on any event for Distribution Automation.

•This is the only pan-European conference dedicated to Distribution Automation.

For more information on the programme and speakers click here .