Cloud Elements Teams with IBM to Expand SaaS Connectivity in IBM App Connect


Cloud Elements, an API integration provider announced a collaboration with IBM to deliver a series of new connectors in IBM App Connect, the company’s premier cloud integration platform, for users to quickly connect apps to automate tasks and boost productivity.

The collaboration is designed to extend the reach of IBM’s App Connect catalog with potentially dozens of new connectors to leading cloud applications. IBM customers will be able to leverage these applications within the sophisticated App Connect interface to automate integrations and get notifications, sync data and track outcomes rather than manually performing integration tasks, which have historically been thought of as high touch and repetitive.

“We chose Cloud Elements because of their novel canonical data and object model which normalizes connectivity to cloud applications,” said Tony Curcio, Director of Application Integration at IBM. “This approach helps accelerate IBM’s time to market for these new connectors in IBM App Connect. In working with Cloud Elements, we look forward to a significant reduction in the development time, cost and maintenance for our platform.”

Cloud Elements’ Element Builder, a tool to extend the capabilities of Elements or build new Elements from scratch, has been enhanced to tightly integrate with the IBM App Connect environment. This capability helps accelerate IBM’s time to market for third-party cloud services and removes maintenance concerns, as Cloud Elements automates the maintenance, monitoring and version control of these connectors.

“Our collaboration with IBM is furthering Cloud Elements’ vision of automating the distribution of Elements (connectors) across leading integration platforms. Together, we are reaching and connecting as many cloud applications as possible,” said Cloud Elements CEO and Co-Founder Mark Geene. “IBM will benefit from our rapidly expanding catalog and the updates we make to normalize APIs from various sources into easy-to-use API Hubs.”

To learn more about IBM App Connect and how you can get started, visit

For more information on IBM Cloud, visit

About Cloud Elements
Cloud Elements is a cloud API management and integration service that enables developers to publish, integrate, aggregate and manage their APIs through a unified platform. Cloud Elements’ integration toolkit enables developers to connect entire categories of clou

d services (e.g. CRM, Documents, Finance) or synchronize data between multiple cloud services (e.g. Salesforce, Zendesk and Quickbooks). Cloud Elements is headquartered in Denver, CO, and has offices in San Francisco and Dallas, serving customers worldwide. Find more information about Cloud Elements at

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Betsy Rizzo
IBM Media Relations
1 (214) 356-2036

Leia Schultz
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